The West End Museum Circle Logo

Underground History: Author Talk Examines Boston’s Race Against New York to Build America’s First Subway and its Ties to the West End

Underground History: Author Talk Examines Boston’s Race Against New York to Build America’s First Subway and its Ties to the West End Boston, MA—Long before the Red Sox-Yankees rivalry, Boston and New York were competing to be the first American city to build a rapid transit system underground. Boston won, establishing the nation’s first subway…

Next City Logo

Will Urban Renewal Ever End?

Will Urban Renewal Ever End?Next City Jim Campano was 18 when Boston tore his neighborhood down. The Jewish and Italian bakeries, the Polish church and the synagogues, the tenements and rowhouses — gone. Street corners bustling with teenagers, the Campano family’s sunny sixth-floor apartment on Poplar Street — erased by a government that called the…

The West End Museum Circle Logo

August 2016 Newsletter

August 2016 Newsletter Dear Friend of The West End Museum, We hope your summer has been filled with sunshine and fun with family and friends, and at least one visit to The West End Museum. If you haven’t been in recently, please come on by! In this newsletter … We discuss the Museum’s archives. Written…

North End Waterfront Logo

Tuesday’s 3 Things & Photo: Transportation Study, Prince The Cat Online, 1915 Endicott Street, Harborwalk Closed?

Tuesday’s 3 Things & Photo: Transportation Study, Prince The Cat Online, 1915 Endicott Street, Harborwalk Closed?North End Waterfront 6:00pm North Station Transportation Study – Visioning Session at West End Museum.  A public meeting has been scheduled to kick off the community engagement process for the North Station Area Mobility Action Plan. The study will cover the…

North End Regional Review Logo

West End Museum Transportation Exhibit

West End Museum Transportation ExhibitNorth End Regional Review Located near North Station, the West End Museum, 50 Staniford Street, newest exhibit depicts the West End’s role in early Boston Transportation. The exhibit recounts the phases of development since the 18th century through graphic panels and artifacts like trolley tickets, stock certificates, conductor buttons, tokens, photos…

Post-Gazette Logo

Exhibit Explores History of Public Transportation in Boston

Exhibit Explores History of Public Transportation in BostonPost-Gazette Public transportation has shaped life in Boston and its neighborhoods since the first English settlers arrived in the early 17th century. Its evolution over the course of more than 200 years is a fascinating tale of continuously rising demand, fi nancial and logistical challenges, and technological advancements.…