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The Sound of Silents

From the banning of plays by the Massachusetts General Court in 1750 to the opening of the city’s first theater in 1792 to the rise and fall of Scollay Square as a hub of refined and then not-so-refined center of entertainment, Boston has had a long and tumultuous relationship with theater.

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Another Renewal Project Moves Forward in West End

Another Renewal Project Moves Forward in West EndBanker and Tradesman A 2022 water leak that forced the shutdown of the West End Museum provided the impetus for a redesign adding interactive exhibits and more space for community events. “We really wanted to make the museum more dynamic and broadly accessible,” said Sebastian Belfanti, who was…

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Neighborhood Roundup

West End Museum Welcomes Author Frances McNamara Tonight, April 20. In 1919, a giant molasses tank erupted and spilled two million gallons of the sticky, gooey substance throughout the North End and parts of the West End, killing 21 people.